
Cam Ly - Em Se La Nguoi Ra Di (I'll be the one to go)

There's no lyrics in the video so I thought I'll just add them...

For the uninitiated just read the text below as you would in English / Hanyu Pinyin... then you will get a decent pronunciation.

Yêu nhau cho nhau từng nụ hôn, nồng ấm ân ái hôm nào
Còn đó bao dấu yêu nhưng đời ai nào ngờ
Trôi như mây bay về tận cuối phương trời nao
Bao đêm Em mơ về ngày mai, thầm ước trọn kiếp bên ngừơi
Ngày xưa Anh nói yêu thật nhiều một mình Em
Vì tim Em trao Anh dâng trọn hết con tim yêu
Mà sao Anh đành gian dối hỡi người !?

Thời gian không thể xóa đi tiếng yêu Anh hôm nào
Quặng tim đau từng cơn khi thấy Anh vui cùng ai
Vì sao Anh không nói là hết yêu Em rồi
Thà đau một lần đau còn hơn mang nhiều cay đắng
Vì sao Anh lại nỡ gian dối tim Em hỡi người !?
Kề vai Em mà tim Anh khắc ghi bóng hình ai
Vì sao Anh lại muốn chọn cả hai con đường ?
Lệ chan hoen bờ mi thì thôi ta đành chia tay vì yêu Anh
Em sẽ là người ra đi...


An extremely popular Vietnamese song...

Vietnamese Version of Meng Xing Shi Fen (Moment of Awakening) by Minh Tuyet


Sao Anh Ra Di - Cam Ly (Betrayal Song... I Think)

Have not posted for a long time... while you may not understand the language, you can watch the video and you will know what is going on...


language can sometimes be really... hmm...

have not been updating my blog for almost a year or so (i think) but this is so funny it is irresistible not to share. each line below will (usually) be accompanied by some rather crude translation, because it's done by me.


Sexual Intercourse


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

跳去: 定向, 搵嘢
Old man pushing a cart. Slow and steady, I'm sure.

性交,又叫造/做愛(Make Love),扑嘢,即係用男人陰莖隊入女人入面磨吓磨吓,最後令到男方射精,女方高潮,兩個都可以得到講唔到嘅刺激同埋快感。("Make Love" 原意係追求,但而家已經普遍解做性交[未記出處或冇根據]

Sexual intercourse, also called making love, is the use of the male's penis, inserted into the female's vagina and "rub-rub", leading to ejaculation on the male's side and orgasm for the female, with both parties experiencing an indescribable sense of thrill and excitement. "Making love" used to mean "courtship" but has now been commonly known as sexual intercourse.


Speaking of sexual intercourse, it is a unique event occurring in homo sapiens within the animal kingdom. This is because, apart from the physical contact between sexual organs, which leads to the interaction between sperm and ovary (and hence the creation of the next generation), it is also seen as a method by which a couple may deploy for a higher purpose: the satisfying of spiritual desires. This is much more deeper than pure sex, as it involves a blend between the spiritual emotions between two people - that is why it is once called making love. Nowadays, however, these two words are commonly understood and used in situations where love might not exist and sex is purely for the seeking of excitement.


Apart from the fact that making love results in the creation of the next generation, it also offers excitement. As such, throughout history, the entire process of sexual intercourse has included many devoted efforts and, at the same time, many different positions have been developed in order to provide to both parties more excitement and pleasure. As far as sexual positions are concerned, they are a myriad lot. Not only do Hong Kongers call these positions "wan hua shi" (flowery styles), they assign specific names to each position, such as the following:

  • 打樁機:即係男方壓喺女方上面嘅抽插動作 (man on top, woman below)
  • 老漢推車:即男跪喺後面,女向前趴嘅推動動作 (man behind, woman front)
  • 觀音坐蓮花:即係女方坐喺男方上面,由女方做主導嘅動作 (woman sit on man and take "initiative")
  • 半邊燒鵝髀:即係互相交叉腳抽插 (scissoring)
  • 69式:即係非性器官接觸,而係互相用啜性器官,即係口交(呢個係象形字演化出嚟嘅名)(69 position, blowjob for woman and inserting for man)


sometimes, if there is no opportunity for sexual intercourse and there is a need to satisfy one's desires, the alternative is to masturbate.

to be frank the translated version totally sucks... if you can read chinese characters, it will be good to read the passage "as is."

source: wikipedia



my very own newton food center case

went to a coffee shop near my mom's office to have breakfast today. as i was reeling from a weak stomach due to an overdose of booze last night, i opted not to have roti prata.

instead i chose the prawn mee stall. damn pathetic coffee shop... only prata, prawn mee and drinks. shit... i remembered eating the mee before but it's total crap. now after today, i will condemn the place altogether.

i chose the cheapest thing to eat, which was the $4 prawn mee. i ordered mine without tau gey or condiments. still a bit sleepy, i went back to my table.

then came the mee... its portion was super pathetic. 3 - 4 half prawns, some slices of meat, mee, and soup. fuck... although i was still weak and tired, my brain wasn't. and the bill came up to be $5.

ok let me clarify something first. i did not state i wanted $5 mee, but because the cheapest was only $4 and by standard practice stallowners would go for the lowest price if customers did not state their preference. this stallowner must be trying to pull a fast one on me, maybe cos he thought i was drowsy and can cheat me. i returned to the stall and asked why i was given a $5 one instead of $4, you know what the uncle said?

"eh you never say what price what, normally if customer don't say i will give $5"

what the fucking shit! if customer never say, it means they want the cheapest! then he grumble grumble about some shit, but i didn't care and wanted my $4 mee. the auntie was pretty ok in obliging and scolded the uncle for always doing this crap. oh... i see... so you practice ripping off customers. good for you, because they will be one-off customers who will not bother to patronize your place again.

so that's it for you... never underestimate someone's ability to think properly just because he looks tired...


the mysterious case of david hartono widjaja

seriously, the benefit of being a student is that you have some free time on hand to write and post stuff, such as the one below:


this blog belongs to my friend's dk, who has been actively following the story of david and chan. now, to add to the mystery, another EEE graduate was found hanging in his room. apparently, with all 3 belonging to the same faculty, stories and conspiracy theories are bound to surface...

this is going to be interesting. if scandalous material do find themselves in the limelight after several rounds of investigation, it would qualify as one of the most memorable stories of 2009...

and we're not barely touching the end of Q1! goodness!


misgivings, stereotypes and prejudices

i have always been careful not to pass any form of value judgment before i acquire a reasonable amount of information about any subject matter, mainly because i do not wish to make a biased statement without accurate facts.

a basic principle of mine, but by no means a simple task to execute. to put it concisely, people are affected by the situations and environments in which they reside and thus, are predisposed in forming perceptions about a particular issue or person with a mix of experience, inadequate information and biases. when confronted with an event that contains elements of uncertainty, people quickly conjure views that may or may not represent the event in its unbiased entirety. such views might be positive statements but they are more likely to be normative statements veiled with a shroud of deception, masking their true forms and causing them to appear positive prima facie.

that said, i make conscious attempts not to commit such logical fallacies as much as i can. having encountered and experienced the said fallacies first-hand, it is only equitable to give the issue or person due consideration (even to the extend of the benefit of doubt) when making assessments of any kind.

while advice and suggestions are usually given in good faith, it would be wise to ascertain the hypotheses and conjectures which constitute part of the kind words with material facts that are best obtained first-hand or through meticulous research, for such speculations, more often than not, attempt to sway and align one's thoughts with another.