

yup, that's the reaction i made from looking at what my teachers wrote about me back in pri / sec / jc. and, of cos, those grades. oh my.

just for laughs, think i'll post them up. alignment sucks.

pri sch

year semester class position conduct teacher's comment
1 1 3 / 34 A neat in work / has done well / keep it up
1 2 5 / 31 B has done well / keep it up
2 1 - not shown - good vocal person / neat and consistent in work
2 2 13 / 35 A neat and consistent in work / quick in grasping concepts
3 1 - not shown - good hardworking / must read more books to improve english
3 2 18 / 38 good has done quite well / keep working hard
4 1 - not shown - good cheerful and active pupil
4 2 - not shown - good performed well in exam / keep up the good work
5 1 10 / 35 fair capable of better results / active imagination / must learn to work well in a group
5 2 14 / 35 fair expresses himself well / has keen sense of humor / quite
individualistic at times / should try to participate more in
class discussions
6 1 14 / 26 v. good polite and well-behaved / definitely has potential to do better
/ continue to strive for better results
6 2 8 / 26 v. good aim for A* at psle / well-mannered and pleasant

note: in p6, the class position was based on ranking within students taking HCL only. did not incl. whole class. looking at the results i got in p6 and converting them into the 300 mark standard (for psle), i got more or less the same as my actual psle mark. hmmm.

yeah, learn to work well in a group and stop being individualistic (p5). participate more, huh... humorous. pleasant... well-mannered and polite. that sounds like me 12 years down the road... like now! good conduct some more.

sec sch

year semester class position conduct teacher's comment
1 1 29 / 40 v. good achieved creditable grades in eng and sci / keep up the good
1 2 33 / 40 fairly good capable of producing better results if less talkative and
playful in class

ok, here i need to break for a moment. see the drastic drop in class position and performance? my mom, at that time, actually threatened to change my school. to gan eng seng sec (lucky, never go there). yeah... and the drop in conduct. see attached comment. the reason was that in my first year at MSHS, i had 4 different form teachers... that's right. 4. and the last one was smoky. hot and pretty... lol.

i was one of her pets then. so-called, as there was often a group of boys (me incl) hanging around with her... oh my. i still remembered her. driving her daddy's merz to sch on a sat morn clad in a white polo tee and blue denim skirt. i think most of the guys in the class became wolves overnight. and so did many others in the school... they must be cursing us at being such lucky bastards.

2 1 34 / 36 v. good (none)
2 2 33 / 36 good displays right attitude towards studies / applies himself well

now, that made no sense at all! since i had the right attitude, you're telling me that i advanced only ONE position? and to think that, i actually can fail my maths in my streaming year and ACTUALLY get a-maths in sec 3? WTF?!

3 1 13 / 30 v. good (none)
3 2 14 / 30 v. good quiet and honest student / shown some improvement in final
exam / still, room for improvement

yeah, honest because i found a cashcard in the toilet and returned it to my form teacher. should have kept it.

and, did better because after streaming, the composition of the class was tended towards the worse. and in sec 3, i failed all my subjects except languages - not too shabby eh! and still, position no. 14. how could that be?

4 1 15 / 31 (none) (none)
4 2 (none) (none) (none)

testimonials... another time. and so are the grades for jc.

every year from sec 1 - 3 inclusive, my grades were so spectacular that my form teachers invited my parents to school just so that they could show my parents my achievements. and, along that, they would ask the following questions:

1) does your son study at home?

2) do you supervise your son when he is studying?

to which my mom would reply:

1) yes

2) yes

somehow, this combination of answers made my teachers puzzled. if it was a different combination, what would they have said? note that it is only because the answer to q1 was yes that's why q2 was like that. and q3 was:

3) then why did your son perform thus?

to which my mom would reply (after meeting my teacher in sec 1, she kinda rehearsed it and prepared it as the standard textbook answer):

oh, we stay very far away from sch... that's why, when he's home, he's too tired to study (then when did i ever study?) and we're not very highly educated, so we don't really know what he studies in sch (then where's the so-called supervision)?

talk about conflicting statements. but this answer did answer q3 v well... dun u think??



Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! u shld haf look at mine!

7:32 PM  
Blogger Jas said...

u are qt free ah..

9:26 PM  

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