
it's all very queer.

a queer dream to begin the day.

and a queer way to end it.

let's start with the queer dream.

it was around 8 plus in the morning, still rolling about in bed. drifted off into slumber, and with that, came the queer dream.

i was in an examination hall (hello, exams are like 3 months away... perhaps it has affected me too much), doing a paper on political science (WTH?) and it wasn't an exam at all because everyone was talking and chatting.

it was held in my primary school hall (heaven knows how many students that place can hold) - very weird, i don't think MOE introduced political science into the primary school syllabus (yet). was chatting with the candidates beside me, and oh my... happening scene.

then i saw her. i wasn't sure if it was her, or her. as in, these were in reality two very different people, but sometimes, i see her in her, and her in her.

very abstract it seemed. now that 10 plus hours have passed, my memory of it has faded. some things still are very clear, though:

i remembered i chased after her when she was leaving, and i spoke to her at - guess what - the door to my house.

who is who? no idea at all. sometimes when i see her on TV, i sort of see her. and when i see her in real life, i'm slightly reminded of her.

totally abstract. however, neither this dream nor this entry is meant to imply anything. it's just something really queer... and the fact that it's a "her" doesn't signify anything. or two "hers" if you like.

i'm prone to weird dreams.

went to teach my 9-year old kid today. what should i use to describe him?

hyperactive sounds like a good word. so does bubbly.

i'm sure if any of my friends see him, they're bound to go "awww..."

however i cannot get him to focus on the task ahead.

is it an unreasonable request? i do think so, on several occasions.

and i'm told by the parents to go really all out on him.

papa wants me to scold.

mama wants me to raise my voice.

i tried the latter, without much effect.

in that case, i'm likely to change my strategy soon. time to throw out the liberal university-style teaching and get conservative... the no-nonsense and authoritative kind of tutor that i used to get when i was young.

but i just can't bring myself to scold - yet. i'm still of the opinion that this is the one that will prepare me for my own kids in the future. in the shorter term, it's more of building up my patience.

something i admit i have really high levels of, but no harm in being even more patient.

pretty much of a dilemma again, but isn't that what life is, always...

better find one of my relatives or friends who are parents to counsel me on this subject.

don't think my parents are of much help since i was none of what my 9-year old kid is... except for the bubbly part. haha... buay hiao pai.


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